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标题: 谷歌操作系统今日发布 [打印本页]

作者: Brainteaser    时间: 2009-11-18 12:02     标题: 谷歌操作系统今日发布

2009年11月18日消息,备受关注的谷歌操作系统ChromeOS将在今日揭开面纱。知情人士透露,今日全球同步发布的ChromeOS包括6种语言,谷歌官方博客届时将提供免费下载。据悉,中国团队此前已参与到这一系统的开发之中。自谷歌2009年7月宣布将推出ChromeOS以来,业界对这个挑战Windows操作系统的产品充满期待,ChromeOS的各种传言一直不断,网上也流传着各种难辨真伪的截图(资料图)。关于Chrome OS的所有谜团有望在今天揭开。

多个渠道的消息都显示,谷歌将在今天发布这款处于测试阶段的操作系统。知情人士昨日透露,今日全球同步发布的Chrome OS有6种语言的版本,分别为英语、日语、法语、西班牙语、俄语、简体中文版,但不含繁体中文版。
上述人士透露,谷歌将于今天在其官方博客中宣布推出Chrome OS,同时提供这一开源软件的下载地址,供网友免费下载,Chrome OS的官方主页与Chrome 官方扩展网站届时也将上线。

备受关注的谷歌操作系统Chrome OS将在今日揭开面纱(资料图)
据悉,谷歌此次发布的Chrome OS为测试版,主要是提供给硬件厂商及软件厂商的技术开发人员,让他们开发各自产品在ChromeOS上的驱动程序及相应的软件版本。如果电脑硬件满足相应的驱动要求,也可下载安装来先睹为快。正式版的ChromeOS预计在明年下半年发布,届时预装这一系统的电脑将开始在市场上销售。

备受关注的谷歌操作系统Chrome OS将在今日揭开面纱(资料图)
按照谷歌之前公布的资料,ChromeOS的特点是速度、简洁和安全,谷歌希望它是一款快速、简洁的产品,用户只需几秒钟即可启动系统并进入网络的操作系统,初期主要应用在体积小巧、售价低廉的上网本。今年7月,谷歌宣布,有意与其在ChromeOS项目进行合作的硬件及软件公司包括:联想、宏 、Adobe、华硕、飞思卡尔、惠普、高通、德州仪器和东芝等诸多业界巨头。
作者: Goldmine    时间: 2009-11-18 13:28

he daily competition between Google and Microsoft becomes ever-more direct this week, with Google hosting a demo of its ChromeOS tomorrow, right after Microsoft’s Professional Development conference.

ChromeOS is Google’s version of Linux for netbooks, much as Android is its Linux for handhelds. It is a version of Bill Gates’ nightmares from 15 years ago, as Netscape was rising, visions that led directly to the case of U.S. vs. Microsoft.

Microsoft got through that crisis unscathed in a corporate sense, but its image was transformed from that of a user-friendly upstart to that of “an implacable force for evil,” as one comedy show said recently, exemplified by the famous Boardwatch cover of Bill Gates as a member of the Borg, the Star Trek bad guys.

The fear, old programming hands will tell you, was that Netscape would turn its Mozilla browser into a full-fledged operating system that, because of its dominance of the browser space, could beat Windows in the market.

Chrome is a lot like that. It is centered on the browser, which abstracts the complexity of Linux from the user. And it’s designed to load fast, a real Achilles Heel for Windows on a netbook. An early version could be available for download next week.

When you’re paying $300 for your machine, you don’t want to wait 10 minutes for the thing to start, and you don’t want to be paying a lot for your software, either. ChromeOS is designed to fix both problems, so I am looking forward to it.

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