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标题: 我服了这些人的口才了 [打印本页]

作者: AtLevelThree    时间: 2010-1-6 01:46     标题: 我服了这些人的口才了

本帖最后由 AtLevelThree 于 2010-1-6 00:47 编辑
作者: AtLevelThree    时间: 2010-1-6 01:49

作者: AtLevelThree    时间: 2010-1-6 01:50

本帖最后由 AtLevelThree 于 2010-1-6 00:52 编辑

After reading the article, at the bottom, I see
Please learn from my mistake. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Forex trading is far from being a science and no matter what you use or how you do it, it is more of a gamble than an investment.

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That's another ads!!!

How can I believe these guys.
作者: 無心風月    时间: 2010-1-6 02:22


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